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R'rovu Nuhn


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R’rovu Nunh




Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te


Open Relationship

Nald’thal, the Traders

Clan Gladiator



Rovu is Seeker of average height. He always wears his dark brown hair (with grey strand as an adult) tied back in a small ponytail. He also has a lion-like tail, a trait that he would pass on to his children.

As a gladiator of the raptor clan, he often outfitted himself in aldgoat leather gear with ceruleum blue accents. He always carries a sharp sword and sturdy shield. While he was not wealthy by any means, he chose to retain the finest crafted armor.


Born R'rovu Tia to two unnamed parents. He was raised in Southern Thanalan, moving to Eastern Thanalan along with his clan. He was one of few males to be born, the next being 10 years later. As a child he often left the village to bring back aldgoat hides. At the age of 12, he unintentionally caused the death of another boy who had challenged him to a spar. This hardend his emotions, keeping his sadness and fear under wraps. He would retain his stern appearence into adult hood.

At some point in in teens he challeneged an adult Nunh after the man had struck a female. He would go on to win this fight and take the title for himself. Once he hit 19, he sired his first of four children, R'isannah. Another three, two girls and one boy, would be born over the next 5 years from 2 different women. As a father he was very proud yet stern with his children. He often pushed them to try new experiences. When R'isannah was 12, he took her to the city of Ul'dah. There he outfitted his first born with a brand new acton that she would hold on to for years to come.

At the peak of the Calamity, Rovu was last seen on the outskirts of the Carteneau Plains aiding the Eorzean Alliance. His final moments before his disappearence was retreating with his youngest daughter on General Rauhbahn's command. Three of his children would perish in the Calamity. He has been MIA to this day.


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R’isannah Rovu

Rovu's first daughter and only surviving child. He raised her in Eastern Thanalan alongside his other 3 children, whom all perished during the Calamity. The two had a rather good relationship. The two became seperated when the sky rained hellfire.