Zavanis Lumireis
Midlander Hyur
Byregot, the Builder
Airship Builder
Zavanis is a petite Hyur, being only 5'2 in stature. Her hair is a lovely dark brown with lavender purple eyes. Her hair has gone through several phases. As a child and into her teens she wore it mostly short. During her time as a novice shipwright she had hair reach her lower back. Up until recently she has started to phase out her long hair, cutting it chin length and braiding it to finally getting an extremely short cut. She opted for this after having near dangerous instants of it getting caught in a machine.
Her outfits range from conservative casual to more fitting for the work enviornment. She tends to only wear casual clothing when visitng her family estate. Otherwise, she is seen in either her crafting attire: a honey yellow apron adorned with a pair of chocobo chicks, brown tights, golden flats and matching chocobo gloves; or her field gear: A trailblazer’s vest in the guild’s signature yellow with brown ankle length pants, matching leather shoes and black gloves.
On the occasion she needs to pilot one of her airships she wears a coat in a variety of browns and yellows, wool pants, knee high boots and brown gloves. When she is feeling the need to dres sup she puts on a lovely long sleeved, grey dress adorned with lace and flowers and white tights and fancy shoes.
Born to Noelle and Fredmond Lumireis, she grew up on Red Rooster Farm. There she learned to cherish the land and a good work ethic. She moved to the Mists prior to the Calamity while her father assisted in the war efforts in Limsa. She would outlive her beloved father, left to salvage what remained of her broken family. She made way for the Moraby Drydocks in hopes of securing a job on a fishing boat. In the end, she would start work as a novice shipwright at Naldis & Vymelli’s in Limsa.
Her work led her to many places across Eorzea. Her interest in Air Travel would have her accompany adventurers to dangerous locations in search for the unknown. She would supply gear to the Ishgardian men and women heading into battle to send money back to her mother. Upon making her return to Eorzea, she opened her own business, Synth Workshop. Setting roots in the Lavender Beds of Gridania. Currently, she has amassed a small fleet of Airships, and a newly built Submarine, her first step into aquatic voyages. Her efforts were set on creating an Odyssey ship, built to survive the dangers of the Diadem.
This has led her to Ishgard where she plans to locate the final parts needed. Once in Ishgard, she got made connections with many members of the Skysteel Manufactory, with the help of her new acquaintance Magnus Cirillium. Unknowingly, they would grow close. Leading to many adventures together and becoming travel companions. Eventually, they would marry, having their close friends and work associates there to celebrate with them.
Presently, Zavanis is residing at Cirillium Vila in Goblet, it is unknown where life will take her now.
Noelle Faemont
Her mother and primary parent. The two have a strained relationship after the calamity, Noelle having severe depression. Zavanis would often comfort her after the death of her father.
She currently resides at the Lumireis’ Estate in the Mist, only occasionally stepping outside onto the beach front when she is having a better day (which is rare).
Fredmond Lumireis
Her father, and the man she looks up to. He introduced her to the Mael and even Merlwyb as a child, igniting her love for La Noscea.
His life would be taken by a drunkard after Fredmond tried to calm down a barfight. He and Noelle were very close, and his death affected her greatly.
His personality and resolve would live on in Zavanis.
Looking For
Current Storyline(s):
[Crafting] In need of some repairs? Looking for an airship of some kind? Or maybe just looking for a job? Start up a conversation of this sort and Zav will have a grand time helping you.
[Ishgard] Having relations to the Skysteel Manufactory, she has good things to say of Ishgard. Maybe you’re from there or have connections there?
[Adventure] While she might not have much experience, going on adventures with companions is something she enjoys. Even in the face of danger.
[Companions] While she may have grown up in Eorzea, Zav has kept to herself most her life and is in dire need of some companions. Either at work or out and about.
[Mentor] Seeking a battle mentor! (Haven’t decided which class yet)
[Shy] I've been trying to work on doing more public RP. I still get a little shy and lost in big crowds, but once we get a conversation going I'm very chatty!
[Discord] While the game is such a lovely place to RP and take screenies and such, I am very open to solo or group RP over Discord. It might actually help me write longer responses since I can focus more on our story. Even Party chat is easier for me!
[Availability] My character is on Malboro on Cyrstal Data Center. I live in AZ, so technically we have our own time but currently we are PST right now. I’m online in the evenings after 2 PM my time (Fairly free since COVID started). But even then I'm normally browsing discord, looking for people to 'boop'.
[In-Game] My IGN is Zavanis Lumireis. I reside on the Malboro server in the Crystal Data Center! I'm super open to cross-world and happy to jump between when needed! ^-^
[Discord] My ID is Sami#1518. Let me know how you found me if you do!