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Aerlia of the Aether - Ch 2


CastAerlia Edelgarde

Published1 month, 24 days ago

Updated1 month, 24 days ago

Stats 2 1783

Chapter 2Published 1 month, 24 days ago


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Delta Quadrant

And so, the woman walked countless miles it seemed. Often coming across a bizarre creature, but keeping her distance to remain unnoticed. Once she passed through an area of huge Chimera like creatures, having the main head and body of a lion with two extra head extending off its neck with the likeness of a ram and dragon. They roared, causing her to cover her ears while within range. The landscape was extremely unpredictable, sometimes being flat and unexciting, to extreme hills and bends leading to nothing. After making it through a long-caved pathway she glimpsed a huge ship in the center of everything. It was massive. She could tell it could quite possibly eclipse the entire floating rock she stood on. It was long and sharp looking. Made of the same rusting metal she came from. Three Large statue like objects surrounded the center platform of the ship. She couldn’t make out what they represented. From here she could clearly see there were multiple floating islands similar to hers.

“Maybe there’s someone on that ship. Hopefully they aren’t already dead…” From her understanding and run in with the beasts, this was not a habitable area, at least for those her size. While she had no real goal to her aimless walking, she was sure she had to keep going. Following the path some more, at the end appeared a raised circular platform. A strange egg-shaped object sat at the top. This was something completely different than anything she had seen before. It didn’t look dangerous so she sprinted up the ramps to it. Portions of the object rotated around it. Strange mechanical sounds and beeps came from it. She stood closer to it and looked it over. Suddenly it stopped moving and the entire body of it spun quickly, bringing all the portions together seamlessly. She stepped back.

“wELcoMe. pLeaSE STate ThE LOCaTIOn yOU wISH tO WaRp TO.” It demanded. Its talking! She thought excited and confused.

“Um.. where can I go to?” she asked not expecting a response, simply trying to get it to say more.

“cErTAinLY. curreNtly OPeRaTiOnAL noDES inClude: DELtA qUadRANT. ALl oTHers rEmaiN dEaCtiveD.” The egg shaped thing responded. So she had one option. For a few moments she considered her options. Backtrack and keep walking until something ate her, or warp to an unknown location and start all over again. She opted for the latter. If anything she could at least get away from those chimera roars.

“Take me to Delta Quadrant” she stated firmly.

“PrepARING wARP TO DEltA QUAdrANT. TAkE CARe.” Excitedly awaiting something to happen, in a few moments the space around her began to twist and glow. Her body disappearing before her.

In an instant everything normalized and her feet dropped onto a bed of grass. This place was far lusher and brighter. Large pieces of glowing rock protruded from the ground. She hiked up the hilled land, smiling as she took in the sights. It was a lovely sight compared to the last place. Wingless dragon type beasts roaming the terrain. While not wanting to chance it she kept her distant, but these things seemed more docile. She came to a stop at a long river. She kneeled and placed her foot in it, washing out the piece of glass that cut her. It felt cool and relaxed her. After resting on the river bank she stood and stretched her arms out. If this is where I end up, I’d be ok with it. Continuing down the river, the source appeared. It was nicely situated below a tent shaped canopy made of tall glowing rock. More of the dragons sat around the large pool, not giving her any attention.

Finding a nice soft patch of grass, she took a short nap amongst the similarly scaled creatures. Surprisingly, she was unafraid of their presence. Once she awoke again, she travelled across the new lush land to the edge facing the huge ship. Just before the ledge a huge mass blocked her path. It glowed a purplish tint. Equally huge rusted chains were nailed into the base of the island. She traced them upwards into the sky above. Then she realized something. Before her was no object or building, it was a giant dragon that was attached to the chains. Larger than any being she had seen. It had been watching her. Following her every movement since she landed on the island. Horrified she ran behind a boulder, keeping it between her and the massive dragon. She peeked out from behind it, trying to see more of the creature.

“Come, child. I won’t hurt you. Or should I say, I can’t.” The being spoke. Its words were oddly echoed with a series of weak roars. Its jaw didn’t move with the words she could understand. This was something not natural she thought. Complying with the order, she walked out from behind the boulder, staring up at the dragon.

“I am Tiamat of the first brood. What has brought a small girl, covered in the scales of my kin, to this place.” Tiamat questioned.

“Wait, the scaled of your kin? You mean the dragons?” Her mind raced. She looked around at the other dragons questionably.

“Perhaps not. But would seem you are unlike those that have- “ the wyrm paused for a moment motioning her head at the chains holding her “kept me here.” The small woman nodded, implying she understood Tiamat had not willed the chains upon herself. “The Allagans, they were called. Aye, has been countless years since they had confined me here. But fear not child, I have come to terms with this. However, you, you are not trapped behind chains. You can still escape this forsaken place.”

Tiamat’s words seemed sincere and caring for a moment. So there was still a chance. Knowing Tiamat was wise beyond knowing, she spoke to her respectfully. “Wise Tiamat, if I can escape. Where then should I go? I’ve travelled miles across these lands with nothing to learn from it. Is there a land beyond these floating hunks of rock?” She had so many questions she was unable to contain them any longer.

“Yes, my child. Many a land is beneath us now. The land of man and beast. There you may find more of your… kind. I bid you travel to the place know as the Churning Mists, there you will find my brood brothers, Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg. Perhaps they can elaborate more on the state of this world.”

She nodded, deciding to do as suggested. The two spoke for a long time, Tiamat answering the small woman’s numerous questions. Then as they came to the end of their conversations, the great wyrm conveyed the last of her wisdom.

“My child, while do not know who you truly are, nor what has happened in your past… I bestow upon you a name, that of which you may be referred to until a time in which you find yourself. Your name shall be Aerlia. A being of the aether. So with this, Aerlia, travel to the land below and find your purpose.” Tiamat roared loudly, sending the newly named Aerlia to search for a way out of Azys Lla.